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本学国際地域学部のアントニオ教授が表彰されました! Suzuka University Professor Antonio Awarded for Outstanding Article

5月2日(日)、鈴鹿大学国際地域学部のジャン=ピエール・アントニオ教授が、カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア歴史連盟から、2020年度最優秀記事賞を授与されました。1994年の本学開学時から教壇に上るアントニオ教授は、カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア州在住の歴史研究家・小説家ジャクリーン・ピアース氏と共同で2010年から日系カナダ人の俳句に関する文学史的研究を行なっています。今回、季刊歴史ジャーナル British Columbia Historyの2020年春号に掲載された歴史研究記事「タシミ強制収容所における俳句―スケオ・〈サム〉・サメシマの遺産」が、ブリティッシュコロンビア州の歴史に関する知識を高め読者から好評を得たとして、見事同賞を受賞しました。







On Sunday, May 2, the British Columbia Historical Federation (BCHF) announced that Suzuka University Professor,
Jean-Pierre Antonio (Department of Global and Regional Studies), has been awarded with co-author, Jacqueline Pearce, the 2020 Anne and Philip Yandle Best Article Award. Professor Antonio, who has been teaching at SU since its establishment in 1994, and his co-author, Jacqueline Pearce, a historian and novelist in British Columbia, Canada, have been conducting literary/historical research on Japanese Canadian haiku since 2010. Their article, “Haiku in Tashme: The Legacy of Sukeo “Sam” Sameshima,” appeared in the Spring 2020 issue of the British Columbia History , a quarterly history journal. The article was nominated for and won the award for the article that best-enhanced knowledge of the history of British Columbia and that also provided enjoyable reading.


Professor Antonio comments, “Ms. Pearce and I are both honoured to receive this award. It motivates us to continue with our research. We hope to publish a book about haiku written by Japanese Nikkei during the internment years and in the post-war period.”


Congratulations, Professor Antonio!
